Monday 2 May 2016

The Secret to Getting Out of That Rut

A YouTube video caught my eye yesterday.

It was entitled How To Become A Millionaire. As I recognised the creator of the video I decided to watch it - and within the first few minutes the words that came out of his mouth were so noteworthy that I just had to jot them down..

I realise that the average person may not want to become a millionaire as that's too big a jump from where they are right now in life. If like me going back a few years, the thought of being rich as successful was quite scary! It meant change and changing doesn't come easy!

Back to the video..

Here are some points that I wrote down: 
'requires radical self growth (to become a millionaire)'
'not resourceful enough'
'your phycology will not permit you'
'too many limited beliefs'
too much social conditioning'

The Secret to Getting Out of A Rut

Normally getting out of a rut requires more time and money freedom, but 97% of the population have that job mentality, believing that working for a living is the only real way to earn money. If the job they have takes up too much of their time or doesn't pay enough then so be it and they accept what they have.

Limited beliefs, social conditioning and their subconscious mind will not permit them to take action - even if they wanted to!

Change Is Required

Change is good but change can also be scary - and that puts people off!

What helped me change was watching videos from Life Coach Bob Proctor.

Bob Proctor made me aware that although my conscious mind wanted more out of life, my subconscious mind would not allow it! 

i.e. 'your phycology will not permit you'.

Your subconscious mind was programmed many years ago, but the good new is, it can be reprogrammed by simply repeating positive affirmations each day.

By repeatedly speaking aloud affirmations each day you will slowly reprogram your subconscious mind to allow to you believe in what you are saying, and by doing so it will allow you to open the doors to new opportunities instead of telling you that you can't! 

Limited Beliefs and Social Conditioning

Napoleon Hill took 25 years of studying to write the book, Think And Grow Rich. 

Take note of the title - Think and Grow Rich, not Work Hard and Grow Rich!

As a side note, your employer want's to pay you as little as possible so they can make as much profit as possible!
'Get a good education' and 'get a good job' is what society tells us.

Some of the most successful people on the planet are drop-outs! Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Richard Branson and Bill Gates to name but a few.

It was their ideas that made them rich.  Thoughts become things, and one good idea can be worth millions!

When you open your mind and become aware of what you're capable of, and have the belief that you can get what you want of of this life, then you're on the path to success.

What you have to watch out for is others who have limited beliefs and conditioned by society that don't like the idea that YOU want to change - and are actually making changes in your life.

Those people will do all they can to hold you back!

You Become Like The People You Associate With and The Books You Read

'You become like the people you associate with and the books you read' was one of the favourite  sayings of my 'up-line' when I was in an MLM company over 20 years ago. The fact is, it's totally true.

There are many personal development books out there that will help you. Another saying I like is, 'leaders are readers'.

I highly recommend reading The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel

The next step to success or at least to get out of the rut is hang around with people more successful than you.

Jim Rhon said 'You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.'

Taking Your First Steps To Get Out Of Your Rut

Here's what to do:

  • Watch Bob Proctor videos on YouTube so you can understand how the subconscious mind works and how it can be changed to allow you to move on.
  • Watch more Bob Proctor videos on Self Affirmations to instil belief.
  • Write down what your goals are and what your ideal life would look like. Be as vivd as possible.
  • Read personal development books.
  • Find people locally or on social media such as Facebook that are doing what you want to do and connect with them.
  • Keep way from negative people. They will drag you down!
  • Don't let anyone steal your dreams!

Then What?

Once you become aware that you CAN have what you want you then need to find a 'vehicle' to get you from where you are financially to where you want to be.

There are many thousands of opportunities out there. Some require a lot of time and training to master such as network marketing opportunities. Others are very simple such as buying the resell rights to a digital downloadable product and selling it yourself for profit. 

Personally I chose to get involved with on the biggest growth markets on the Internet - the online advertising industry. You can check out the vehicle I've chosen here.


Bob Proctor - your subconscious mind and how it works.

Bob Proctor - how to change your paradigm, your mind and how to get better results.

Tony Robbins - Break out and change your life

I hope this blog post helps you change your life and get out of that rut!

Bill Thomson

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