Monday 9 May 2016

Three Diamonds

On the 7th May 2016 I became a Presidential Diamond with My Advertising Pays - and when I think about it - how the heck did that happen?

Bill Thomson - Presidential Diamond with MyAdvertisingPays

It's at this point where I'm in two minds whether to go into great detail about how I became so broke and had so much debt, Forty Grand's worth, and that I had to remortgage my house to pay off all those credit cards, and how I became depressed and ill - so ill that I crashed my car one day heading to work, writing it off.

And so there I was with no car, no money, and with my wages not quite covering what I had to pay out each month, my back was against the proverbial wall.

Perhaps it's because I'm a Gemini or perhaps it's because I have a Melancholy personality type - in the sense that I like details, facts and numbers, that I'm again torn whether or not to go into the finer detail of how I met my MAP sponsor, Francisco Linares, how that whilst we, and many other MAP Diamonds were all in the same Network Marketing company (which My Advertising Pays is not), and how I discovered that talking to people and sponsoring was defiantly not my strong point.

With that in mind, I had it in my head, back in April 2014 when I joined MAP, that the only way I was going to make the money that I wanted (I really should say NEEDED) to make was to buy as many Credit Packs as I could.

I had absolutely no money! 

However, I did have a Credit Card or two that we just remortgaged our house to clear.... 

So without telling my darling wife (gulp), I decided that I would use the money available on one of the cards to fund buying my Credit Packs, and pay the bills each month from my MAP earnings.

And so it was done!

Marketing Techniches

Fortunately I did pick up a few tips from the network marketing company I was in which helped me get referrals, such as shooting videos and building a blog.

However, I now have referred 3 people, Tim, Mike and Kishor, who have also made it to Diamond, and 2 of them were people I knew - Tim and Kishor. Mike came from a funnel that I created where I had video after video of myself, giving value and free training.
Three Diamonds

People Join People

That's how I got to Presidential Diamond with MyAdvertisingPays. I was through people who knew me, and who got to like, know and trust me through video.

My goal now is to help more people in my team get to the life-changing Diamond level.

MAP Events, London

If you are coachable, committed and consistent, come and join my successful team so I can help you change your life and become a leader too.

Bill Thomson

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